The ControliQ Smart skills Centre allows you to set skill level targets for the core tasks completed in your workgroup. This allows you to manage flexibility and contingency to ensure that you have enough skilled team members to complete the required volumes of core work.
You set the targets for the number of team members you require with skills for each task and based on their recent performance when completing the tasks the Smart Skills Centre will provide you with a view of how you are progressing against those targets every month.
To utilise the Smart Skills Centre, you first need to set targets for each of your workgroups core tasks. This target indicates how many team members you require with skills in each task to manage demand.
Allows you to refine the list of Core Tasks displayed. You can search by full or partial task name.
Core Tasks
Lists the Core Tasks linked to the selected workgroup.
Current No. of Skilled Staff
Displays how many team members linked to the selected workgroup are currently classed as skilled in each task. A skilled team member is someone whose skill level shows as 7 or above in the Skills Catalogue.
Allows you to set the target for the number of linked team members you require with skills in each task to meet demand.
You can set or amend a current target by typing the number of individuals you require with skills in each task directly into the cell.
Last Updated
Displays the month that Smart skills were last updated for the team members of the selected workgroup. If Smart Skills is not enabled and skill levels are updated manually no date will be displayed.
Once you have set your targets you can review current progress against them in more detail using the Catalogue. This details the teams progress against target and the individual team members that have skills in each task. When reviewing this data, you have 2 options on how the data will be displayed.
The Core Task View will display the teams progress against targets for each task at the highest level.
View By
Select to view the workgroups current skills by Core Task first or by Team Member first.
Allows you to refine the list of Core Tasks displayed. You can search by full or partial task name.
Filters allow you to refine the list of core tasks shown based on their key attributes.
Core Task
Lists the Core tasks assigned to the selected workgroup. These can be expanded to view further data at a team member level.
To expand the data, click the icon next to the task name
Team Target
Displays the number of team members classed as skilled in a task and the target that has been set. As well as the actual and target values each task will display one of 3 icons based on how current skills compare to the target.
The target has been met; the required number of team members are skilled in this task.
The target has not yet been met; more team members need to become skilled in this task to meet the target set.
The target has been exceeded, there are more team members with skills in this task than targeted.
Last Updated
Displays the month that Smart skills were last updated for the team members of the selected workgroup. If Smart Skills is not enabled and skill levels are updated manually no date will be displayed.
Selecting the icon next to a Core Task name will expand the data further to display the team members linked to the selected workgroup and their skills in that task.
Displays the name of the team member.
Smart Skill
Displays a suggested skill level for the selected task for each team member. This skill level will be based on the previous 3 months of data and will consider the calculated task productivity.
The suggested Smart Skill is based on an individuals calculated Task Productivity over the past 3 months.
Task Productivity = Task Work Out / Task Core Time
Task Work Out - The amount of work completed for core tasks by the team member. Multiplying the units completed by the task standard time gives work output in the unit of time.
Task Core Time - An estimated value derived from the sum of all tasks completed within a period (Units of Work Out x Standard Time), which should be close to the 'real' daily Core Time, as calculated in ControliQ.
To optimise this equation, an algorithm is needed to search for the best and most stable set of Task Productivity where the difference between sum of Task Core Time and ‘real’ Core Time, is close to 0.
Based on the estimated Task Productivity a skill level will be suggested:
If the team member has not worked on the selected task and no Smart Skill can be generated the Smart Skill column will display a dash.
Confidence Level
This displays a confidence level of the suggested smart skill. The confidence level will show either High, Med or Low and will be driven by the volume and frequency of work out for the staff member for this task.
Last Completed
Displays the date that work out was last captured against this task for the team member.
The suggested smart skill is recalculated every month based on the previous 3 months of data if a team member has not completed the task for a period of time their confidence level or skill could start to reduce compared to previously suggested smart skills as there is less data to feed the algorithm.
Auto Update
Indicates if Smart skills auto update is enabled for the selected task for each team member linked to the workgroup.
Indicates that Smart Skills Auto Update is enabled, and the skill level will automatically be updated as part of the monthly Smart Skills review.
Indicates that Smart Skills Auto Update is not enabled, and the skill level will not automatically be updated as part of the monthly Smart Skills review.
To enable / disable Auto Update click on the checkbox.
Skill Level
Displays the current skill level assigned to each team member for the selected task.
Skills are colour coded based on where they sit within the unskilled, Developing, Skilled parameters
Skill levels of 1 – 3 are classed as underskilled and will appear as white.
Skill levels of 4 – 6 are classed as developing and will appear blue.
Skill levels of 7 – 10 are classed as skilled and will appear purple.
Skills that have been populated as part of the Smart Skills automatic monthly review will display the icon next to the skill level. If this icon is not displayed it indicates any skill level displayed has been entered manually.
To manually enter a skill level when Smart Skills is not enabled or to overwrite the suggested skill click on the icon next to the current skill level and select the required one from the drop-down menu.
Selecting the icon allows you to specify if you would like Smart Skill enabled for a selected team member.
Clicking the icon will prompt the Smart Skills Configuration button to appear.
Clicking the Smart Skills Configuration button will allow you to enable or disable Smart Skills for the selected team member.
To enable Smart Skills make sure the checkbox is selected and click save. In the next monthly review a suggested Smart Skill level will be generated for this task if work out has been captured.
To disable Smart Skills make sure the checkbox is deselected and click save. No suggested Smart Skill will be generated in future monthly reviews for this task.
Skill Filters
These filters allow you to refine the list of team members displayed when Core Task data is expanded. De-selecting the checkbox next to Underskilled, Developing or Skilled will remove individuals whose skills fall within those parameters from the list of team members displayed.
The Staff Member View will display the staff members skill in each core task linked to the workgroup at the highest level.
View By
Select to view the workgroups current skills by Core Task first or by Team Member first.
Allows you to refine the list of Team Members displayed. You can search by full or partial Team Member name.
Filters allow you to refine the list of core tasks shown for each team member based on their key attributes.
Staff Member
Lists the team members linked to the selected workgroup. Clicking the icon next to their name to view their skill levels in individual core tasks.
Last Updated
Displays the month that Smart skills were last updated for the team members of the selected workgroup. If Smart Skills is not enabled and skill levels are updated manually no date will be displayed.
Selecting the icon next to a Team Members name will expand the data further to display the Core Tasks linked to the selected workgroup and their skills in that task.
Displays the name of the core task the skills level relates to for the selected team members data.
Team Target
Displays the number of team members classed as skilled in a task and the target that has been set. Aswell as the actual and target values each task will display one of 3 icons based on how current skills compare to the target.
The target has been met; the required number of team members are skilled in this task.
The target has not yet been met; more team members need to become skilled in this task to meet the target set.
The target has been exceeded, there are more team members with skills in this task than targeted.
Smart Skill
Displays a suggested skill level for the selected task for each team member. This skill level will be based on the previous 3 months of data and will consider the calculated task productivity.
The suggested Smart Skill is based on an individuals calculated Task Productivity over the past 3 months.
Task Productivity = Task Work Out / Task Core Time
Task Work Out - The amount of work completed for core tasks by the team member. Multiplying the units completed by the task standard time gives work output in the unit of time.
Task Core Time - An estimated value derived from the sum of all tasks completed within a period (Units of Work Out x Standard Time), which should be close to the 'real' daily Core Time, as calculated in ControliQ.
To optimise this equation, an algorithm is needed to search for the best and most stable set of Task Productivity where the difference between sum of Task Core Time and ‘real’ Core Time, is close to 0.
Based on the estimated Task Productivity a skill level will be suggested:
If the team member has not worked on the selected task and no Smart Skill can be generated the Smart Skill column will display a dash.
Confidence Level
This displays a confidence level of the suggested smart skill. The confidence level will show either High, Med or Low and will be driven by the volume and frequency of work out for the staff member for this task.
Last Completed
Displays the date that work out was last captured against this task for the team member.
Because the suggested smart skill is recalculated every month based on the previous 3 months of data if a team member has not completed the task for a period of time their confidence level or skill could start to reduce compared to previously suggested smart skills as there is less data to feed the algorithm.
Auto Update
Indicates if Smart skills auto update is enabled for the selected task for each team member linked to the workgroup.
Indicates that Smart Skills Auto Update is enabled, and the skill level will automatically be updated as part of the monthly Smart Skills review.
Indicates that Smart Skills Auto Update is not enabled, and the skill level will not automatically be updated as part of the monthly Smart Skills review.
To enable / disable Auto Update click on the checkbox.
Skill Level
Displays the current skill level assigned to each team member for the selected task.
Skills are colour coded based on where they sit within the unskilled, Developing, Skilled parameters
Skill levels of 1 – 3 are classed as underskilled and will appear as white.
Skill levels of 4 – 6 are classed as developing and will appear blue.
Skill levels of 7 – 10 are classed as skilled and will appear purple.
Skills that have been populated as part of the Smart Skills automatic monthly review will display the icon next to the skill level. If this icon is not displayed it indicates any skill level displayed has been entered manually.
To manually enter a skill level when Smart Skills is not enabled or to overwrite the suggested skill click on the icon next to the current skill level and select the required one from the drop-down menu.
The skills distribution section of the overview tab gives you a view of the overall skill levels of the team members linked to the selected workgroup across the past 6- or 12-month period. The chart illustrates if the overall skill levels of the team are increasing or decreasing.
Select the workgroup that you would like to view the skills data for. The drop-down menu will display the workgroup you currently have selected in the hierarchy selector and any child workgroups.
Click the icon to toggle between a graph or table view of skills distribution.
Core Tasks
Select All core tasks to review the overall skill level of the selected workgroup or individual core tasks from the drop-down menu. Any tasks linked to the selected workgroup during the period being reviewed will be displayed.
You can choose to view the skills distribution data for the past 6 or 12 months by selecting the required time period from the drop-down menu.
Median Skill Level and Month
The Skills distribution data provides a view of the median skill levels of the team members linked to the workgroup for the past 6 or 12 months and illustrates if the skills of the team are increasing or decreasing.
All Core Tasks – When All Core tasks is selected the Median Skill Level for each month is based on the median overall average skill level for each team member. It is the mid-range average score of the whole team for all tasks. 50% of the team members average skill level sits above the median and 50% of the team members average skill level sits below the median.
Specified Core Task – When a specific Core Task is selected the Median Skill Level for each month is based on the skill level of every team member linked to the workgroup for each month for the selected Core Task. 50% of the team members have a skill level higher than the Median and 50% have a skill level lower than the Median.
Please note the Median will be rounded to the nearest whole skill level.
The Team Targets section of the Overview tab allows you to see how the selected workgroup are progressing against the skills targets they set for their core tasks.
Overview Tiles
The overview tiles detail the number of core tasks the selected workgroup currently have targets defined for, the number of those tasks that are not currently achieving that target and the progress percentage against all targets.
Sort By
Allows you to order the core tasks that aren’t meeting target based on either:
Furthest from Target, these core tasks require the highest number of team members to be upskilled to meet the defined target.
Largest FTE Demand, these tasks require the most skilled resource to meet demand based on volumes received and standard unit time over the past 30 days.
Core Task Progress to Target
The Core Task list will display the top 5 tasks that are not meeting target along with their percentage progress value based. The order in which they are displayed will depend on the selection made in the Sort By field.